
How to download Redhat Certification

To Download the Redhat Certification, Follow the below steps : Step 1: Login to Step 2 : Click on Certifications Step 3 : Click on Privacy Settings Under I want to be visible in search , click on Yes Step 4 : Login to If you do not have an account , create one Step 5 : Find your badge in the dashboard It may take even 24 hours to reflect in Dashboard , after enabling the option in privacy settings

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Installing VirtualBox on Windows

  To install VirtualBox on Windows , you must first download the appropriate installation file for your host. link: Download the windows host Double-click the file to launch the VirtualBox Setup wizard. Click Next on the first screen. This action tells the Wizard that you want to install VirtualBox.   Do the following actions on the Custom Setup screen. You’ll see a list of the features the Wizard will install. In this example, leave the default selection. Browse and select the location you want to install VirtualBox in. The default location is fine, but feel free to change it if you prefer. Click Next when you’re ready to continue. On the next screen, you’ll see a warning about networking. The setup process will install a virtual network adapter, which may cause your network connection to disconnect momentarily. Click Yes to continue. Finally, you’ll see a screen asking you to confirm the installation. Click Install to install VirtualBox on Windows The installation process takes several minutes, depending on your system speed. Click Finish to close the Wizard after the installation and start using VirtualBox.   After you install VirtualBox on Windows , your can create your first virtual machine. First, decide the OS which you want to install and download the iso image file. Incase if you want to setup Redhat VM, first create a Redhat personal account. link: select login–>Register–> select as personal account and provide all the mandatory fields and  select create account. link: Login with the account created in the above portal and download the following iso image from the products section. Creating Your First Virtual Machine click the New button in the top-right corner of the VirtualBox window. This action brings up the Create Virtual Machine wizard. This Wizard lets you configure your new VM with the settings you want. Select the iso image which we downloaded and provide a name for your virtual machine. Click on next If required change the username and password and click next. Since its an unattended installation we can continue with the default values else you have to change the values depending upon your requirement.   Click on finish to set up the virtual machine. Select Redhat and then click on -> settings -> storage and click on controller:IDE select the iso and click ok   click on start to get into the virtual machine press enter or leave for automaticboot Select the language Under system select Installation Destination Under user settings select Root password and and then enter the password required and click on done at the top. Under user settings select Create user and and then enter the username and password required and click on done at the top. click on Begin installation. Login with the user account which you have created click on activities and terminal You can see the terminal page like this with the prompt, where we will be working on with the commands.  

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How To Install Blue Ocean In Jenkins

Blue Ocean is a new user experience for Jenkins. Blue Ocean makes Jenkins, and continuous delivery, approachable to all team members. 1. Login to your Jenkins server 2. Click Manage Jenkins in the sidebar then Manage Plugins 3. Choose the Available tab and use the search bar to find Blue Ocean 4. Click the checkbox in the Install column 5. Click either Install without restart or Download now and install after restart 6. After you install Blue Ocean, you can start using it by clicking on Open Blue Ocean in the navigation bar of the Jenkins web UI That’s it !! . Navigate around the pipeline , create new pipeline and watch out for the intuitive and helpful BlueOcean UI

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Guidelines To Migrate From Self- Managed Kubernetes In AWS To Amazon EKS

Migration Migration — yet another usual term on the crowded streets of Software Architecture. Migration tasks in a Software Industry can be hectic, time-consuming, or painful involving multiple resources to get engaged, collaborate, and achieve the end-goal of Migrating our components to a newer environment. Though it is exhaustive, the journey as part of any Successful Migrations involves in-depth Learning, effective Knowledge sharing, constructive Collaboration with a focused Roadmap and Planning. In this blog, we will look into how we approached our major challenging Migration task of moving away from Self-Managed Kubernetes running in EC2 to AWS Managed Kubernetes service EKS. First Question, Why? When this task was initially discussed, the first basic question which came in everyone’s mind (Developer, Devops Engineer, AWS Architect, Manager) was Why to Migrate? Yes, the existing Self-Managed Kubernetes environment in EC2 was running without a downtime but there were so many incidents not noticeable to other Engineers were observed by Kubernetes Admin team. Few Issues: 1. Multi-master setup with 3 Master nodes faced CPU hikes resulting in 2/3 nodes becoming faulty. 2. During High profile Events, the networking component Calico couldn’t scale in proportion to the Kubernetes workloads. 3. Nodes Autoscaling was taking a long time because of Older Generation AMI’s configured for worker Nodes. 4. Kubernetes version was Outdated. It was felt risky to do a version upgrade. 5. No regular Security patching was done in the Infrastructure components. Best Fit Solution: Moving to a Managed Service Model. As our Kubernetes cluster was already setup in Amazon EC2 instances, moving to AWS based solution was preferred and we chose Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Migration Consideration: • Know your existing cluster – o Current Kubernetes version to check compatibility of APIs o Cluster Provisioning method (kops, kubeadm, or any) o Cluster Add-ons o Autoscaling Configurations o What Kubernetes Objects deployed in Namespaces — daemonset, deployments, statefulsets, cronjob, etc o Volume Information — PV and PVC o Network Policies, Cluster Accessibility and Security Group Rules (Ports, Firewalls, Routing) o Kubernetes certs Management o RBAC — How Authentication and Authorisation is taken care o High Availability Quotient or Configurations o Worker Nodes Firewall configurations o Namespace Information and Resource Management (Quotas) o Workload Deployment Information • How to Build EKS Cluster? There are Multiple ways (AWS suggested or third party software) to Create and Manage EKS cluster like EKS Blueprint, eksctl, AWS Management Console, AWS CLI • EKS being an upstream Kubernetes, similar to Kubernetes it doesn’t support Muti-Tier architecture but this can be achieved by Isolating the Customers using Namespace. • EKS Add-on Management — EKS Blueprint has good integration with ArgoCD which can be used to manage the Workloads and Add-ons. It automatically creates the required IAM roles, does installation via Helm charts. • Choose Network Adapters carefully — AWS by default provides AWS VPC CNI plugin for Networking. If you are going to use third party Network CNIs such as Calico, Cilium, Flannel or Weave, you are responsible for its maintenance. • Enable ipv6 for your cluster or add Secondary CIDR if your workloads are huge and may run into ipv4 exhaustion. • Choose between Managed Node Groups, Self-Managed Node Groups or AWS Fargate for compute Resources. Each has its own advantages and limitations depending on your use case. • Service Mesh Analysis — Service to Service communication can be controlled efficiently using a service Mesh. AWS recommends to use Istio or AWS AppMesh for working with EKS. • EKS Monitoring and Logging — EKS Control plane metrics can be scraped using Prometheus and these metrics can be visualised efficiently using Grafana / Datadog / AppDynamics. Migration Phases: 1. Build your Own Production ready EKS cluster in Test Environment. 2. Install and Configure the Primary and Secondary Add-ons. 3. Monitoring and Alerting setup for EKS cluster and Workloads. 4. Perform Infrastructure Load Testing — Reference: 5. Derive a Migration Strategy — Routing of Traffic to new EKS cluster. Use Route53 weightage policy to have a control on routing the traffic to new EKS cluster while the major requests being served by Self-Managed Kubernetes cluster. 6. Meet with Development Teams to explain about EKS architecture and Migration strategy. 7. Deploy Services / Workloads in Test Environment. 8. Perform Application Functional and Load/Performance testing. 9. After Sign-Off, Decide Production Date and move the Traffic according to your Migration strategy.

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How to install ContainerD

Containerd versions can be found in this location : Step 1 : Download the containerd package wget Unpack : sudo tar Cxzvf /usr/local containerd-1.6.14-linux-amd64.tar.gz Install runc : Runc is a standardized runtime for spawning and running containers on Linux according to the OCI specification wget $ install -m 755 runc.amd64 /usr/local/sbin/runc Download and install CNI plugins : wget mkdir -p /opt/cni/bin tar Cxzvf /opt/cni/bin cni-plugins-linux-amd64-v1.1.1.tgz Configure containerd We need to create a containerd directory for the configuration file sudo mkdir /etc/containerd config.toml is the default configuration file fro containerd : containerd config default | sudo tee /etc/containerd/config.toml Enable systemd group . Use sed command to change the parameter in config.toml instead of using vi editor sudo sed -i ‘s/SystemdCgroup \= false/SystemdCgroup \= true/g’ /etc/containerd/config.toml Convert containerd into service : sudo curl -L -o /etc/systemd/system/containerd.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable — now containerd sudo systemctl status containerd

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Chef Infra Automation Commands

Chef Infra Automation Commands Quick Command Guide reference:   knife bootstrap IPADDRESS(hostname) –sudo -x username -P password -N target1 (This installs chef-client and validates) knife bootstrap WIN-I2R3V7Q9AFV –sudo -x username -P passwd -N nodename   Bootstrap Virtual box ********************** knife bootstrap –ssh-user vasanth –ssh-password ‘vasanth123’ –sudo –use-sudo-password –node-name virtuenode knife bootstrap x.x.x.x –ssh-user ubuntu –sudo –identity-file ./.chef/mykey.pem –run-list webserver knife bootstrap –ssh-user ec2-user –sudo –identity-file ./.chef/user.pem knife bootstrap –ssh-user ec2-user –sudo –identity-file “C:Usersuser.sshid_rsa”   knife bootstrap windows winrm ADDRESS –winrm-user USER –winrm-password ‘PASSWORD’ –node-name target3 –run-list ‘recipe[learn_chef_iis]’ –winrm-transport ssl –winrm-ssl-verify-mode verify_none knife bootstrap windows winrm WIN-I2R3V7Q9AFV –winrm-user username –winrm-password ‘passwd’ –node-name target3 –run-list ‘recipe[learn_chef_iis]’ –winrm-transport ssl –winrm-ssl-verify-mode verify_none knife cookbook create apache knife cookbook upload apache Login via putty and run “sudo chef-client” knife node show target1 knife node show target1 -l knife node show target1 -Fj knife node show target1 -a fqdn knife search node “*:*” -a fqdn   From workstation ******************* Using Chefdk chef generate repo chef-repo chef generate cookbook webserver   Installing and configuring kitchen ********************************** Under your Chef local repo gem install test-kitchen gem install test-kitchen kitchen init –create-gemfile /          kitchen init –driver=kitchen-vagrant kitchen –version kitchen list kitchen create default-ubuntu-1404 kitchen list kitchen converge default-ubuntu-1404 kitchen login default-ubuntu-1404 kitchen verify default-ubuntu-1404 kitchen verify 64 (centos) kitchen test default-ubuntu-1404 kitchen help kitchen help init kitchen destroy gem install test-kitchen kitchen init –create-gemfile /          kitchen init –driver=kitchen-vagrant kitchen –version kitchen list kitchen create default-ubuntu-1404 kitchen list kitchen converge default-ubuntu-1404 kitchen login default-ubuntu-1404 kitchen verify default-ubuntu-1404 kitchen verify 64 (centos) kitchen test default-ubuntu-1404 kitchen help kitchen help init kitchen destroy Data bag ********* knife data bag create databagname 1.x.x Browsing the supermarket ************************* knife cookbook site list knife cookbook site search mysql knife cookbook site show mysql knife cookbook site show mysql 0.10.0 knife cookbook site download mysql knife cookbook site install mysql knife -v Uploading cookbooks to Supermarket ***************************************** knife cookbook site share “my_apache2_cookbook” “Web Servers” Delete Node from Chef server ***************************** knife node delete my_node (delete node in server) knife node client my_node (delete client object in server) Create Roles and environment ***************************** subl roles/web_server.rb knife role from file web_server.rb knife node edit server sudo chef-client knife environment create book knife environment list knife node list knife node list -E book knife node edit my_server knife node list -E book knife environment edit book  

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