RedHat Openshift – Latest news and overview

Vanakkam all

Lets understand about oilspill, its impact and how #RedHat can help solve the problem

What is oilspill :

An oil spill in a marine ecosystem refers to the release of liquid petroleum hydrocarbons into the ocean or coastal waters. This event is often due to human activities such as offshore drilling accidents or tanker spills.

Oil spills in 2023 :

According to ITOPF, about 2,000 tones of oil was lost to the environment from tanker spills in 2023. In 2023, there were 10 oil spills of more than seven tones, including one in Asia where more than 700 tones of oil leaked

Impact to Marine ecosystem :

Oil spills have devastating effects on marine ecosystems. They can lead to the death of marine life, damage to habitats, and long-term ecological consequences. Oil coats marine species, impairing their ability to move, breathe, and feed, leading to increased mortality.

Role of Private #5G, #AI, Drone, Camera in preventing :

Private #5G networks enhance the reliability and speed of data transmission from monitoring devices. #AI can analyze data from these networks for early detection of spills and predictive maintenance. Drones and cameras offer real-time surveillance over vast marine areas, identifying spills quickly. Together, these technologies play a crucial role in preventing oil spills

#redhatopenshift & Private #5G :

Minsait, an Indra company, has taken the joint solution from #redhat and #Intel to market and has already seen the benefits in multiple edge- and AI-enabled use cases.#RedHatOpenShiftprovides a unified cloud-native platform for private 5G workloads. I have discussed about Openshift and Private 5G in earlier article in detail.

Redhat Openshift Engineer #DaytoDayactivities :

One of our student got placed overseas in #Redhat Openshift technology and his day to day activities involves

Design and Engineering :

  • Design cluster builds such as cluster size, node size, number of workers, number of infra nodes, type of storages, type of authentication to the cluster, type of load balancer to use, etc…
  • Solutions : OCP is not a logging platform(meaning not ideal to store all logs inside the cluster), as per RedHat recommendation, all logs( audit logs, infra logs and application logs) should be stored outside the cluster. So as an OCP Engineer, you should design and put a solution in place to solve this.
  • Cluster scaling, how can we handle the workloads in the cluster. Can we vertically scale or horizontally scale the cluster. How does it impact. Solutions around these
  • Registry solutions. How do we store and manage docker images both for cluster and for applications.
  • How do we maintain and manage projects/namespaces
  • What kind of RBAC to be created and managed and maintained in the cluster for both administrators and for consumers
  • Installing Operators in the cluster

#RedhatOpenShift Engineer #Internship CubenSquare

– Get an overview of the Project and client requirement

– Get assigned to the project & track the progress

– Hands-on experience including

  • Openshift setup
  • Application Deployment
  • Namespace, Network Policy setup
  • User,Group, Access control
  • Enhance security
  • Deploy ingress, secure route
  • Monitoring & alerting
  • Troubleshooting